【莎莉健身美容02】腹部淋巴排毒的好处:排毒 保养卵巢 调经 瘦身 通便秘 / Maintain ovaries/Eliminate stomach pain/Prevent constipation


女人做腹部淋巴排毒的好处:保养卵巢 调节月经 排除垃圾和毒素 缓解胃疼和痛经 皮肤光滑脸色好 燃烧脂肪 排出体内气体 消除肚子涨疼 帮助排便 防止便秘

The benefits of regular Abdominal lymphatic detoxification for woman:
Maintain ovaries and regulate menstruation, Eliminate waste and toxins,
Relieve Stomach-ache and dysmenorrhea,
Smooth skin and good complexion,Burn belly fat, slim belly and waist, Remove abdominal gas, Eliminate stomach pain
Helps defecation, Prevent constipation


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Sally的收费服务项目:北欧旅游咨询私人订制、中国旅游咨询,桂林旅游车房景点门票和船票以及国际机票订购服务 和 Zoom线上健康美容、健身气功太极拳课程教学
Sally‘s paid services: Nordic travel consulting & private customization, China Travel consulting & Guilin Travel booking, Zoom Online Courses for Beauty and Health, Sally’s Exercises, Qigong and Tai Chi.

微信WeChat ID: SP-Europe

more information:
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Magical Silk Road
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Health Qigong & Tai Chi
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Sally’s Pleasure
*抖音: Sally_sister
*Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7rS

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